Learn, Connect, Work
Preparing students for the future of work

Giving students access to learning, opportunity and insights. Driven by skill needs, powered by Alumni and inspired by industry leaders
Trusted By

Unlocking opportunities,
 insights and connections

TEX enables personalized upskilling opportunities to be served to community members, that adjusts as you develop your skills and progress in your and career

Student Connect

Unlocking opportunity and connections

Unlock the expertise, insights and opportunities, either through AI powered recommendations or curated sessions for students.

Members profiles are matched on skills and needs to suggest the right person at the right time to support student needs.

Evolve Careers

Co-created learning content, inspired by global employers

EvolveCareers and TEX are aligned by a shared mission to support young people prepare for their future careers.

Together we work with a diverse range of employers – from EY to Estée Lauder, Microsoft to Meta; educators – from Times Higher Education to The University of Hong Kong; to international schools in Brazil, India, Korea, Nepal, Spain, Thailand, and beyond.

Skills Insights

AI-powered and industry validated

Guide students to the most relevant skills for today, based on our industry engine and future skills model.

Build your profile and baseline your skills and needs to get smart recommendations for people, content and opportunities within your community.

Resource Centre

Your personalised resource centre for life long learning

Internships, job opportunities, industry partner offers and community resources can be provided seamlessly to students and alumni, with smart notifications aligned to a users learning and skill needs

"TEX has opened up a world of connections and opportunities that I could never get within the classroom"
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